Samoprezentaciya V Stihah Na Konkurs Uchenik Goda
'Reading for travelling through the paths of life' The priority of the project is to encourage and stimulate reading and at the same time, to get to know the working of school libraries in Europe, giving young people the basic skills to use their resources and services by developing an interdisciplinary and transnational approach theme 'Reading for travelling through the paths of life' to improve skills in linguistic communication, social and citizenship, information processing and digital competence, learning to learn and the autonomy and personal initiative. It also aims at increasing the interest and taste for literature, with a selection of books (as proposed by the project partners) from contemporary European writers, as an expression of knowledge and culture of other European Community countries, to awaken youth need to develop their own literary creations. We seek to promote a framework of mutual enrichment and exchange of innovative experiences about reading and libraries. Calatoria lecturii pe drumurile vietii Prioritatea proiectului nostru este de a stimula si incuraja lectura si deopotriva de a cunoaste modul in care functioneaza bibliotecile scolare din Europa, acordand tinerilor deprinderile necesare pentru utilizarea resurselor si serviciilor acestora prin dezvoltarea unei abordari interdisciplinare si transnationale avand ca tema: „Calatoria lecturii pe drumurile vietii”. De asemenea se urmareste imbunatatirea deprinderilor de limba, sociale, procesarea informatiei si competentele digitale, a invata sa inveti, precum si initiativa personala si autonomia.
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Mai urmareste si dezvoltarea gustului si interesului pentru literatura printr-o selectie de carte (propusa de partenerii proiectului) apartinand scriitorilor europeni contemporani, fiind expresia cunoasterii culturii a altor tari din comunitatea europeana, precum si incurajarea tinerilor sa isi dezvolte propriile creatii literare. Cautam sa promovam un cadru de imbogatire reciproca si schimb de experiente inovative privind lectura si bibliotecile.