Midwest Super Stearman Manuals In Pdf

Midwest Super Stearman Manuals In Pdf Rating: 9,4/10 7805 reviews

Suite 1 Champaign IL 61822 USA In that Great Planes has no control over the final assembly or material used for final assembly, no liability shall be assumed nor Include a letter stating your name, return shipping address, as. • Follow These Important Safety Precautions site at www.greatplanes.com.

Open the “Airplanes” link, then 1. Your Super Stearman EP should not be considered a toy, select the Great Planes Super Stearman EP ARF.

Skydiver's Competition Manual PDF (Jul 2018). Their Stearman bi-planes and the two skydivers successfully switched planes. Photographer Chris Norton took this shot of jumpers exiting a Super CASA. Jumpers fly head down during the Sun Path Sequentials freefly event at Skydive Midwest in Sturtevant, Wisconsin. BELLANCA WEST Coast Bellanca SpeciaIists—1976 Turbo-Vikings, Super Vikings, many late model pre-owned. Totally Reconstructed Stearman Biplanes, Uncompromised Beauty, Safety. Midwest Parachutes Ltd., 46901 Grand River Ave. Send $5.00 for manual “How to Start Your Own Aviation Insurance Business.

If there is but rather a sophisticated, working model that functions very new technical information or changes to this model a “tech. • DECISIONS YOU MUST MAKE Sheet Metal Screws are designated by a number and a This is a partial list of items required to fi nish the Great Planes length. For example #6 × 3/4' [19mm].

Super Stearman EP that may require planning or decision This is a number six screw making before starting to build. • ● When you see the term test fi t in the instructions, it means To locate a hobby dealer, visit the Great Planes web site at www.greatplanes.com. Select “Where to Buy” in the menu that you should fi rst position the part on the assembly. • KIT CONTENTS 1. Landing Gear 15. “N” Struts 2.

Wheel Pants 16. Bottom Wing & Ailerons 3.

Fin & Rudder 10. Top Wing & Ailerons 4.

Tail Cone 11. Tail Wheel Assembly 12. • PREPARATIONS Tighten the Covering Refer to the separate instruction sheet titled How To Tighten Covering On ARF Models.

Follow the instructions to tighten the covering. If you prefer to get started on assembly right away, the tightening process could be done later (but it is usually easiest to do while the model is still in separate pieces). Install the z-bend end of a 5/64' x 6' [2mm x 152mm] aileron pushrod wire into the hole you drilled in the nylon servo arm. Locate a black control horn. The hardware includes two different style horns. Be sure you use the horn pictured here. • pushrod wire and then insert the screw-lock connector into the aileron control horn.

Secure the connector with the black nylon retainer. Center the aileron servo and the aileron. Apply a drop of thread locker to the 2-56 x 3/16' [4.8mm] set screw and then tighten the screw against the pushrod wire. Temporarily bolt the wing to the fuselage with two 4-40 x 1' [25mm] bolts and #4 fl at washers. Temporarily install the rudder into the opening in the stab.

Measure the distance from the tips of the stab to the tips of the wing. • ❏ 9, Look at both elevator halves. You will see a slot in the left elevator.


When installing the elevators in the next step, be sure the elevator half with the slot is installed on the left half of the stab and the slot is on the bottom of the elevator. Apo hiking society collection • with the fi t, apply a couple of drops of oil to the wire where it passes through the bearing. This will prevent any glue from getting into the nylon bearing.

Apply a small amount of 30-minute epoxy to both sides of the nylon bearing and into the slot in the fuselage. Included in the kit are two 15-3/4' [400mm] pushrod 20. Repeat this for the rudder pushrod and control horn.

Wires with a Z-bend on one end. The wires most likely have some glue residue on them from the masking tape that held them together. Install an axle into each of the landing gear legs and secure them with the 3/16' [5mm] axle lock nuts. Slide two 3/16' [5mm] washers onto each axle followed ❏ by the wheel. Install a 6-32 x 1/8' [3mm] set screw into the 2. • Install the Motor Speed Control, Receiver & Servos If you have the bottom wing installed, remove it.