Kolodci Chertezhi Dwg

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Our company is engaged in assembling and selling refrigeration units, in which we use FRIGOPOINT equipment. Tell me, is there a database of 3D drawings in the resolution of DWG (autocad) on your products: vessels, linear elements, etc.? If there is, then what should be done to access this database? Answer: Unfortunately, the database exists only in.stp format. You can download it at http://frigopoint.com/blog/2017/05/fp-predlagaet-3d-modeli-komponentov-holodilnoj-tehniki-frigopoint-v-otkrytom-dostupe. Our company is engaged in assembling and selling refrigeration units, in which we use FRIGOPOINT equipment.

Tell me, is there a database of 3D drawings in the resolution of DWG (autocad) on your products: vessels, linear elements, etc.? If there is, then what should be done to access this database? Answer: Unfortunately, the database exists only in.stp format. You can download it at http://frigopoint.com/blog/2017/05/fp-predlagaet-3d-modeli-komponentov-holodilnoj-tehniki-frigopoint-v-otkrytom-dostupe.

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