Haken The Path Piano Sheet
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First off, I just wanted to say how incredible your music is. The Mountain is probably my favorite album that I listened to last year, it was really inspiring to see so much creativity packed into each song. I have a few questions: 1) With The Mountain there were a lot of throwbacks to older prog bands besides the generic Yes, King Crimson, etc. Especially your homages to Gentle Giant. Are there any other lesser known classic prog bands that provided inspiration for the record or you guys in general? 2) It's been interesting to see a bigger focus shift to Ross and the vocal patterns you all have been writing ('I wish I could have been somebody' blew my mind the first time I heard it). Could you go into a bit more detail into how these parts are written and maybe drop some hints of what we could expect the next albums vocals to be like?
Sheet Music and Tabs for Haken.Formed in 2007, Haken is a virtuoso progressive rock / progressive metal band from London, England, comprising some of the country's finest young musicians. Featured in the band are members of TO-MERA and LINEARSPHERE and ANCHORHEAD. Nov 15, 2016 - All types. Celestial Elixir. 1 Nocturnal Conspiracy.
3) Why drop the growling? I did feel that it conflicted a bit with the music on Aquarius but I'm curious about your perspectives. Would you ever consider adding it back in or even just doing more aggressive parts in your songs? 4) What's the creative process like as far as putting together the concept of each album?
Do you guys still have a lot of ideas for concepts or are you looking to shift towards individual songs the way The Mountain seemed to move towards? Thanks again for the great music! • Another bands that gets played in the tour van is 'England'. Check em out if you haven't already. • For that part, I wrote the melodies for each part, then Tom wrote the lyrics to fit the melody. In terms of the rest of the album, we all had a go at writing lyrics and bounced back vocal lines with each other. • It was really a conscious effort to drop the growls, but more that no section really required them.
With Aquarius they seemed to fit the concept, so we threw them in. • Ross wrote the concept and lyrics for the first 2 albums. With this last album, the lyrics and concept was more of a collaborative effort. We're not completely adverse to the idea of another concept album. We'll have to see what the future holds.