Contoh Soal Un Rpl 2013 Ram
*urrent'y t!e de+e'oment o- mi.roro.essor te.!no'ogy is +ery raid (as stated in t!e 'a o- /oore), t!is.auses many to be a--e.ted, t!e de+e'oment and seed o-.omuters be.omes in.reasing -ast'y, t!e storage media is getting 'arger.aa.ity, so t!at t!e ima.t on so-tare de+e'oment i' be e+en -aster 'rogramming met!ods are a'so groing, so t!ere are many rogramming 'ibraries t!at suort arti-i.ia' inte'igen.e as in.reasing -ast'y too As a rodu.t o- arti-i.ia' inte'igen. E, t!ere are too's t! be!a+e 'ie!uman inte'igen.e !is te.!no'ogy!a+e an ima.t o- t!e de+e'oment o- many ase.t o-!uman.i+i'iation /any ere.reated to!e', mae it easier, and gi+e entertainment to!uman n t!is arti.'
E, e gi+e an eam'e o- Arti-i.ia' nte'igent im'ementation in transortation or'd 5uring an'eity o- transortation rob'em, an inte'igent transortation as needed, to regu''e tra--i., and so'+e'eity transortation rob'em, but sometime an inte'igent transortation!a+e a rob'em it! T!e sensor, t!at ro+ide a data to main ro.essor, t!is i' resu't t!e de+i.e not being ab'e to or otima'ymage and +ideo ana'ysis name'y.omuter +isua' ana'yses are made to re.ognie and ana'ye any ob6e.t using.amera 7ea'time +e!i.' E dete.tion, and.ounting o- +e!i.' Es is no +er y im ort ant, to ro +id e a goo d tra ns ort ati on sys tem Uti 'i at ion o- +id eo im age ro.essing a'gorit!m !i.!
Dete.t, tra.s and -ind t!e number o- +e!i.' Es on a road is +ery interesting, be.ause t!is te.!no' be im'emented easi'y and not need a se.ia' ! be used as a sensor to dete.t an ob6e.t !e system de+e'oer on'y -o.used on t!e a'gorit!m and rogramming to rodu.e a so-tare. !e de+ e' om ent o- te.!no 'o gy in t!e 21 st.e nt ur y is +e ry ra i d, es e.i a' 'y de +e 'o m en ts in t!
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E -i e' d o -.o m ut er te.!no 'o gy, man y in te' 'i gen t de+ i.e s are.reated, a' o- t! not be searated -rom te.! No'o gi.a ' de+e 'om ents -rom arti- i.ia ' inte'igen.e Arti-i.ia' inte'igen.e is a.tua'y t!e resu't o- t!e de+e'oment and use o- t!e s.ienti-i.
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A n d a 'g o ri t! A re.o mb in ed an d de +e 'o e d in to a sm ar t a'gorit!m t! be im'emented into an arti-i.ia' inte'igen.e so-tare /a ny de +i.e s as.r ea te d t! At.a n re'a.e t!e ro'e o-!umans in t!e -ie'ds o- ind ust ry,.om me r.e, ion, med i.a ', mi'itary, sorts and t!e entertainment or'd, a' o- !i.!!a+e inte'igen.e 'ie!umans /an y ind ust ria ' ma.!i ne s are.on ne. S e n s o r s, ! A n d o o r automati.a'y to re'a.e t!e or re+ious'y done by!umans !e automated mareting system!as a'so been ide'y a'ied in t!e internet or'd, t!is ana'ye t!e!a b i ts o - i n te rn et u se rs, t! In+o'+es t!e use o- a ersona' or netored.omuter -o r t! E de 'i +e ry an d a.e ss o- tr ai ni ng ro gra ms *# .an be syn.!r ono us an d asyn.!ronous, as e' as on'ine, ebbased, mo bi 'e, an d di st an.e 'e ar ni ng *# is arti.u'ar'y use-u' !en training 'earners on a se.i-i.omuter a'i.ation, a'so b e b u i' t to tr a i n ' e a rn er s o n ge n e ra ' n o ' e d g e o r s i ' ' s !